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Английский Этимологический словарь - tilt


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- O.E. *tyltan, from tealt "unsteady," from P.Gmc. *taltaz. Meaning "lean, tip, slope" (1594) is from sense of "push or fall over." The jousting sense is 15c., originally the name of the barrier which separated the combatants; perhaps from earlier meaning "covering of coarse cloth, an awning," perhaps related to or influenced by tent.
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  See: FULL TILT. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  ~1 v 1 to move or make something move into a position where one side is higher than the other  (The table tilted suddenly, spilling all the drinks.) 2 to move your head or chin upwards or to the side  (Jodi tilted her head and looked thoughtful.) 3 to influence an opinion or situation so that people prefer one person, belief etc  (This new evidence may tilt the balance of opinion in his favour.) tilt at sb phr v 1 to attack someone by what you say or write 2 old use to move quickly on a horse towards someone, in order to attack them with a lance ~2 n 1 at full tilt as fast as possible  (We rode down the hill at full tilt.) 2 a movement or position in which one side of something is higher than the other 3 a spoken or written attack on someone or something ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (tilts, tilting, tilted) 1. If you tilt an object or if it tilts, it moves into a sloping position with one end or side higher than the other. She tilted the mirror and began to comb her hair... Leonard tilted his chair back on two legs and stretched his long body... The boat instantly tilted, filled and sank. VERB: V n, V n adv/prep, V 2. If you tilt part of your body, usually your head, you move it slightly upwards or to one side. Mari tilted her head back so that she could look at him... His wife tilted his head to the side and inspected the wound... She tilted her face to kiss me quickly on the chin. VERB: V n with adv, V n prep, V n • Tilt is also a noun. He opened the rear door for me with an apologetic tilt of his head. N-COUNT: usu sing 3. The tilt of something is the fact that it tilts or slopes, or the angle at which it tilts or slopes. ...calculations based on our understanding of the tilt of the earth’s axis... The 3-metre-square slabs are on a tilt. N-COUNT: usu sing, oft N of n 4. If a person or thing tilts towards a particular opinion or if something tilts them towards it, they change slightly so that they become more in agreement with that opinion or position. When the political climate tilted towards fundamentalism he was threatened... The paper has done much to tilt American public opinion in favour of intervention. VERB: V prep/adv, V n prep/adv 5. If there is a tilt towards a particular opinion or position, that opinion or position is favoured or begins to be favoured. The chairman also criticised the plan for its tilt towards higher taxes rather than lower spending. N-SING: N towards n 6. A tilt at something is an attempt to win or obtain it. (JOURNALISM) His first tilt at Parliament came in the same year but he failed to win the seat... N-COUNT: N at n 7. To move full tilt or at full tilt means to move with as much speed, energy, or force as possible. As John approached at full tilt he saw a queue of traffic blocking the road... PHRASE: PHR...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English teld, telte tent, canopy, from Old English teld; akin to Old High German zelt tent  Date: 15th century a canopy for a wagon, boat, or stall  II. transitive verb  Date: 15th century to cover or provide with a ~  III. noun  Etymology: 4~  Date: 1507  1.  a. a contest on horseback in which two combatants charging with lances or similar weapons try to unhorse each other ; joust  b. a tournament of ~s  2.  a. dispute, contention  b. speed — used in the phrase full ~  3.  a. the act of ~ing ; the state or position of being ~ed  b. a sloping surface  c. slant, bias a ~ toward military involvement  4. any of various contests resembling or suggesting ~ing with lances  • ~ adjective  IV. verb  Etymology: Middle English tulten, ~en to fall over, cause to fall, from Old English *tyltan, *tieltan, akin to Old English tealt unstable, tealtian to totter  Date: 1594  transitive verb  1. to cause to have an inclination  2.  a. to point or thrust in or as if in a ~ ~ a lance  b. to charge against ~ an adversary  intransitive verb  1.  a. to move or shift so as to lean or incline ; slant  b. to incline, tend, or become drawn toward an opinion, course of action, or one side of a controversy  2.  a. to engage in a combat with lances ; joust  b. to make an impetuous attack ~ at social evils  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. & tr. assume or cause to assume a sloping position; heel over. 2 intr. (foll. by at) strike, thrust, or run at, with a weapon, esp. in jousting. 3 intr. (foll. by with) engage in a contest. 4 tr. forge or work (steel etc.) with a tilt-hammer. --n. 1 the act or an instance of tilting. 2 a sloping position. 3 (of medieval knights etc.) the act of charging with a lance against an opponent or at a mark, done for exercise or as a sport. 4 an encounter between opponents; an attack esp. with argument or satire (have a tilt at). 5 = tilt-hammer. Phrases and idioms full (or at full) tilt 1 at full speed. 2 with full force. tilt-hammer a heavy pivoted hammer used in forging. tilt-yard hist. a place where tilts (see sense 3 of n.) took place. Derivatives tilter n. Etymology: ME tilte perh. f. an OE form rel. to tealt unsteady f. Gmc: weapon senses of unkn. orig. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) наклон наклонять(ся) 2) угол наклона 3) наклонная поверхность 4) отклонение отклоняться 5) рычажный молот 6) опрокидывать(ся); кантовать - tilt of gyro - antenna tilt - body tilt - dozer tilt - lateral tilt - main rotor tilt - optimum tilt - side-to-side flux tilt - side-to-side power tilt - swash plate tilt - wave tilt ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  наклон; угол наклона; отклонение наклонная поверхность; склон ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  наклон (антенны) – antenna tilt – field tilt – line tilt – RF-tilt – wave tilt ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) кантовать 2) наклон 3) наклонное положение 4) наклонять 5) опрокидывать - antenna tilt - lateral tilt - longitudinal tilt - pulse tilt - pulse top tilt - rotor tilt - tilt a level - tilt boundary - wave tilt ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. кантовать, наклонять, опрокидывать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  наклонное положение, наклон TILT ANGLE угол наклона, угол поворота (основания в ДНК) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. наклон, наклонное положение the tilt of a board —- наклон доски to give smth. a tilt —- наклонить что-л. at a perilous tilt —- вот-вот опрокинется (up)on the tilt —- в наклонном положении his cap had a smart tilt —- его шапка была лихо заломлена (набекрень) 2. склон the tilt towards the city —- спуск к городу 3. ам. качели 4. тех. хвостовой молот 5. столкновение, схватка; стычка; сшибка; встреча, дуэль to have a tilt at smb. —- нападать на кого-л. they had a number of tilts in print —- у них было немало литературных баталий 6. наскок, нападение sprightly tilts at his Labour opponents —- энергичные наскоки на его лейбористских противников 7. удар at a tilt —- одним ударом 8. ист. нападение всадника с копьем наперевес to run at the tilt —- мчаться с копьем наперевес; яростно атаковать; обрушиваться 9. кин. вертикальное панорамирование Id: (at) full tilt —- изо всех сил, полным ходом Id: to ride (at) full tilt —- нестись во весь опор (во всю прыть) Id: to run full tilt into smth. —- броситься (кинуться) очертя голову во что-л. или на что-л. 10. наклонять, опрокидывать; откидывать, поворачивать; кантовать to tilt a chair back —- наклонить стул назад the waggon was tilted —- фургон накренился to tilt one's head forward in bowing —- наклонять голову при поклоне to tilt one's hat over one's eyes —- надвинуть шляпу на лоб to tilt one's cap backwards —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) наклон(ное положение); to give a tilt - наклонить  2) ссора, спор, стычка  3) hist. нападение всадника с копьем наперевес (at) full tilt - изо всех сил, полным ходом  2. v.  1) наклонять(ся)  2) опрокидывать(ся); откидывать, поворачивать  3) ковать  4) hist. биться на копьях, сражаться на турнире; to tilt at/against - бороться с (особ. на турнире); делать выпад; fig. критиковать кого-л., что-л. (в выступлении, в печати и т.п.) - tilt at - tilt over Syn: see tip II  1. noun тент, парусиновый навес (над телегой, лодкой, ларьком)  2. v. покрывать парусиновым навесом TILT at  а) бороться;  б) критиковать кого-л., что-л. (в выступлении, в печати и т.п.) TILT over  а) наклоняться;  б) давать крен (о судне);  в) опрокидываться, переворачиваться (о столе и т.п.) ...
Англо-русский словарь


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